Sunday, September 06, 2009

Ignore The Last Post...

...I was clearly wrong!

Sometimes when you lose the routine of doing something, it's hard to get it back. Snowboarding's been off the menu for so long now (relatively), and with it, blogging has fallen by the wayside too.

But as a new season approaches, "snowboarding" automatically arrives in my inbox: a new catalogue delivered to the door, the Whitelines Friday Fix, the teaser for Absinthe's new film, the list goes on. Then there's the collection of snowboarded-related emails that I haven't gotten around to dealing with; sorry if you're on that list.

I'm not complaining. I'm just not ready for it yet. I think I said that around the same time last year? What I mean is: as soon as I start seeing snowboarding again I feel like I'm missing out. Like I should be doing something. It makes me question things.

Anyhow, in the off chance that people still read this, I've got two, random and unrelated questions:

  1. Does anyone have the Silversun Pickups album, Carnavas?
  2. Has anyone ever stayed in the french resort of Montriond?


Joe said...

1. Yes.
2. No.

Gavin Hope said...

Hey Joe - so what do you think of that album? I've been addicted to it for a while now, one of the best CDs I've bought in ages...

Joe said...

I enjoyed it. It's been a while since I've listened to it, but I like their sound, it's fresh and rather cool.

Snow Removal Kansas City said...

Great post!Excellent View!Much Collective Information!Thank you!