Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Coming Back On The Radar

Wow, brush away the cobwebs; it's been a while since I've been here. Two months, I think that's a record.

But these past months have been hectic. Everything has been upside down. It's all taken a backseat to finishing things off at home. Even a singular, weekly skate session fell by the wayside. I've been completely off the radar.

But I'm just about done now. Approaching a normal home. We're not ready for before and after shots, mind :) There're still little things to tidy up and finish off. But it feels good. I went jogging twice last week, and once already this week. I've been skating tonight. Rusty and out of shape (a condition which seems to arrive sooner these days), but skating. Nice.

So what now?

I just want to chill. I don't want a list of things to do. I just want to relax.

Of course that won't last long. It's in my nature to take things on. It's kinda annoying, but I can't seem to help it. That's why I'm writing this at 11.15pm instead of going to bed, tired.

I guess I don't have any immediate plans, not snowboarding related ones anyway. Well, there's one small exception to that but I don't want to mention it out loud, not at the moment.

I suppose it's been a good while since I've thought much about snowboarding. I've kinda been blocking it out. Not having any plans for next season doesn't help either; I don't have any shredding on the horizon to look forward too. Shame.

But I've got some time now though. So I'm just gonna wait and see what happens...


VancityAllie said...

Before & After Shots! Sooner, rather than later :)

Glad to hear you want to relax though! You should take it easy!

I'm heading up to Whistler this Saturday for some event they are throwing up there in the snowpark so I am DEFINITELY looking forward to getting back on my board, at least for a couple hours in the summer ;)

Hope you are well.

aalion | yellowsnow.be said...

I see you both made it back alive (costa rica & life)