Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ticking Over

The last month or so been pretty busy for me, although most likely a bunch of stuff that isn't of much interest to readers of this blog.

The biggest time-eater has been replacing our bathroom. First of all we had to take everything out, then sort the walls, ceiling and electrics, just getting things ready for the plasterer, plumber and tiler. Lots of new stuff to buy, lots of mess to get out the house and lots of organisation. Dealing with mistakes that workmen make. Not doing the work ourselves has still been a lot of work. Still, we're one step closer, and the end result is pretty nice.

We're getting close to a release at work (software), which has had an impact, but to be honest, I haven't felt it as much as others have. I've also been nursing a sore heel. I would have said foot, but it's been a strange kind of pain, right in the base of the heel. Add in a family event, a friend's wedding, some work in the garden... you get the picture.

Not sure if the heel is a viable excuse, but the other stuff has all contributed to the lack of posting around here. That, and a lack of material.

But despite all of this stuff, I have managed at least one skate session a week. Of this, I'm really pleased. Slow but steady progress. I said lack of material, but at least there's some material, there's a routine now. Sure I haven't posted some of the video that I wanted to, I haven't actually been taking the camera with me that often, and I haven't even been thinking about the footage from Morzine...

But I'm ticking over. It feels good. And I'm looking forward to skating tomorrow night.


VancityAllie said...

Doesn't have to be snowboarding and skating all the time!

Would love to see before and after shots of your renovations :)

Gavin Hope said...

I might just do that :)

aalion | yellowsnow.be said...

I know the feeling, i got bored waiting till my wrist was fully recovered and started skateboarding like 2 weeks ago. Tricks i've learned over the last 2 weeks are , rock to fakie, rock 'n roll, 5-0, and drop-in on various things. I'm sure all this skateboarding will improve my snowboarding skills. This thursday i'm heading indoor again (first time after the wrist broke).

Gavin Hope said...

Nice job with the new moves! Hope that wrist is ok..

aalion | yellowsnow.be said...
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aalion | yellowsnow.be said...

It was a small crack, so long revalidation period :x. But it's been 2 months and now its starting to feel pretty normal again.

aalion | yellowsnow.be said...

are you dead sanka ?

Gavin Hope said...


no, I'm not dead :) I'm actually just starting to come back online... So there should be some activity around here sometime soon!