Monday, September 14, 2009

Funner Films: New Teaser

Teasers are starting to appear for a bunch of snowboard films now; I was just checking out this one from Funner Films, "How the Northwest Was One". Pretty sick. I wonder what DVDs I'll get this season?

"How the Northwest Was One is the story of a bunch of snow bandits, filmer bounty hunters, epic gun battles, and riding off into the sunset in a blaze of glory. Not to mention double backflips and corks, the sickest tree jibs, trips to Chile, and deepest powder around. Does snowboarding get any more entertaining than this? Starring: Kurt Jenson, Nick Ennen, Patrick McCarthy, Joe Bosler, Andy Stern, Andy Bergin-Sperry, Tim Carlson, Scott Witsil, Lucas Debari, Shaun McKay, Manuel Diaz, and more..."


CustomXRider said...

Killer vid! Can't wait to hit the powder.

VancityAllie said...

I honestly can't wait! I've been watching snowboarding trailers for the past few weeks and I am absolutely AMPED! Winter come sooner!

Gavin Hope said...

Yeah, bring it on. The first issue of whitelines just arrived, can't believe I haven't turned the cover yet - there's a dvd with it too. Let's hope there's loads of snow this year!

Dan said...

haha this teaser cracks me up every time