Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Upgrade Bushings

I while back, I crunched the bushings on my front truck, skating at Redcar. The deck was still usable, in fact it was difficult to notice much difference, but the truck no longer sat centrally aligned, so I wanted to replace the bushings...

Being a noob when it comes to skateboarding equipment, I just figured they'd have some spares in the shop. They didn't. Instead there was a choice of either soft, medium or hard upgrades. I'll have the ones in the middle please :) And neon pink too; shame, the others were green and yellow...

Well I've swapped them over - only the broken ones mind. That's probably a big faux pas, but I wanna see if they feel any different. Actually, the washer-style cups that sit above and below the bushings were significantly thicker than the standard ones, so maybe the whole set is better quality.

On a related point, I really need some kind of skate tool. I use and over-sized wrench from the shed whenever I want to tweak my trucks, and it's just lame. It only just fits. Any suggestions?


VancityAllie said...

Ouch! That looks like quite a repair!

aalion | yellowsnow.be said...

Haha, my bro's deck is hot pink to :)

Gavin Hope said...

Hot Pink, nice!

Allie, I think it looks like a bigger deal than it is - once you undo one nut it all just comes apart :)

Unknown said...
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Alpaca said...

Bushing/washer setups is a whole art to itself... For street skates I prefer using very hard bushings because leaving them a little loose (a lot of people over tighten their bushing, pre-loading them so much that they deform/bulge and don't see in the washer cup properly any more).

Anyways any skate tool like this is pretty good (http://www.milehighskates.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=24&products_id=756&osCsid=aa1f3d826752aa7a0746bd41367bbf74

Gavin Hope said...

Hey Blake,

not sure what happened to your comment, but I got it by email, and the link to the tool.
