Thursday, October 15, 2009

Avalanche Video: This Is Hard To Watch...

Mal sent me a link to this avalanche video on Vimeo: I've embedded it below, but it's worth reading the description that goes with the video. Basically, a skier in Alaska drops in, gets caught in an avalanche, is buried and then rescued. An exceptional job by the guides. The thing is, the footage is all from a Helmet cam - it's pretty scary stuff.

The guy is using an AvaLung, which seems to have helped him out some. I haven't had first hand experience with them, so nobody has told me how they should be used in practice, but it seems he didn't have it fully in his mouth (see the accompanying video description).

This video really makes you think about being careful when you're off-piste/backcountry.

Anyhow, if you feel like watching it, here it is, it's both scary and incredible...

Avalanche Skier POV Helmet Cam Burial & Rescue in Haines, Alaska from Chappy on Vimeo.


VancityAllie said...

That is absolutely TERRIFYING.

TijmenDal said...

That's sick man...He's crying of happines/cold/fear when he first sees light again...I doubt how they foudn him so easily...

Gavin Hope said...

Yeah it's pretty intense - I'm not actually sure why I posted it, it's scary!