Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Fernie Footage January 2008, Simon's Edit

I've been sitting on this for too long. Simon put this together from our footage last season, from our trip to Fernie. I love watching it, it just makes me happy :) All that snow. Plus I like the way he editted it.

With a bit of luck, the way this season is shaping up in Europe right now, we might get some more crazy pow. Whether or not it will be as epic as that which The Griz delivered is another thing, but here's hoping. In the meantime, it'll be a serious injustice if I don't do something myself with the footage, before I shred in January 2009, a full year later. Maybe I'm just put off by the thought of using Moive Maker... or is it all of those fs 3s that I don't land?

Anyhow, enjoy Simon's efforts. Thanks mate! If it doesn't make you want to get to the mountains you're probably not a snowboarder...


Anonymous said...

More great footage. I am totally pumped now. Just a couple more weeks before I am able to head out to one of the local hills for some riding.

Also a bit jealous, as when I was in Fernie, nearly five years ago now, the snow wasn't quite as good as what you guys experienced. There was lots of it but no fresh stuff as it didn't snow while I was there.

Gavin Hope said...

Yeah, we were pretty lucky!

So where are your local hills?

Anonymous said...

Wow, seriously nice footage!

Definitely gets me pumped up! Fernie... ah I've always wanted to go there!

I just put together a quick video from my trip to Baker last Sunday.. let me know what you think! Not as much snowboarding footage as you though :( As I spent most of the day looking for my last camera.

Sick video, I also really like the music. :)


Anonymous said...

Oh, sorry for the spam, here's the link to the video if you care ;)

Gavin Hope said...

Hey Allie, I'd actually already popped over to your blog earlier today and seen the video - and read about the loss of camera, sorry to hear about that, it sucks. I had my camera stolen on the hill once, and I loved that camera!...

The opening day pow looks awesome, and even better that most of the tracks were fresh.

I was going to ask about the camera you're using for video. I haven't read the full story on your blog, but am I right in thinking you're using a camera rather than a video-camera? The quality is pretty sweet!

Anonymous said...

Cool video Allie. The D90 looks like an impressive camera.

Gavin, I'm in Toronto in the province of Ontario and there are a bunch of local hills here. Most of them really are just hills though. I grew up east of the city going to a couple of 300ft hills called Lakeridge and Dagmar.

But now I spend most of my riding time about two hours north of the city at either Blue Mountain or Mount St. Louis Moonstone (MSLM). Neither of which are really mountains, I think Blue has a vertical of 700ft or so.

They both have pretty decent parks and pipes. The problem with Blue is that they have beginner jumps that are really small, and they have 40ft table tops but they don't have very many in-between jumps. This year I think I am going to try to hit up MSLM more often as they have a better variety. Check out their park & pipe page.

I'm fairly close to Vermont (8 hour drive) and Quebec (5-8 hours) where there are some much better hills with quite a bit more vertical. But I've always gone out west for all my big snowboarding trips.

Gavin Hope said...

The park at MSLM looks pretty cool! That's awesome that it's not too far away as well!