Friday, November 28, 2008

Sooooo Good!

I saw this (Torstein Horgmo in Northstar Park) over on P.Wikberg's blog - but had to post it here too. It's soo good. I'd like to visit a mountain with a park like that...


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure I've seen this guy do that park in a movie I watched recently. Aesthetica maybe? Damn I can't remember.

Anyway... sick tricks and what a great run! The park at Whistler is long but not THAT long I don't think. Awesome.

Gavin Hope said...

Yeah that park does seem really long, and being able to hit the halfpipe after a load of rails and kickers is pretty damn good.

I'm way behind on current snowboard movies; was Aesthetica from last season? I haven't seen it anyways. I think the most recent movie I have is Optimistic... Maybe there'll be something fresh for me to watch under the tree this year :)