Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Helmets: Bern vs. ProTec

A while back, I was on the look-out for a Bern helmet, probably the Bern Baker. At the time I was kinda interested in the audio integration (as well as the overall look), but now I'm not so sure. Last season I ended up carrying my shuffle around but not really using it; friends kept complaining when I couldn't hear them...

Pro-Tec Classic Snow Helmet

I'm less sure about a Bern helmet in general. First, Martin doesn't rate the comfort of his Bern helmet, and second, they're really hard to get hold of.

More recently, I've been quite impressed with the ProTec lids; great style. Ciara picked up the classic snow helmet, which I reckon has a clean, no nonsense, low profile look. I really like the style of the assault range and it was a good fit too.

Then there's the the HiFi from Burton, which I've always liked.

Pro-Tec Assault Helmet

To be honest, I'm not really in the market for a new lid as mine works just fine. It's more that I'd noticed a few nice designs while shopping with Ciara. There is however the option of rigging up something more secure for the helmet cam if I've got a spare that can be used solely for that purpose. But hopefully I won't need that if the standard strap does its job.


Anonymous said...

Hi, love the site btw.
I got a bern baker a couple of weeks back online...v comfy, cheap and easy to find online. the only downer is the lack of venting if you are prone to a hot head

Gavin Hope said...

Nice one! where did you get it online? Was it from store twenty four?

Anonymous said...

Matty said...

you can get them online, you just got to be quick. I was on the waiting list with for a wee while, well worth it when they finally came in though! Just waiting to upgrade my liner now....