Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fernie Day 4: Morning Update

8:30 here. About to head out to the lift. We don't know which bowls are open yet; if they've opened Lizard and/or Cedar that's a whole lot of fresh pow to be ridden. We might also see groomed runs for the first time today :-0

Checking the weather forecast it looks like it's going to be cold again: -23. Ouch. I wonder whether there will be fewer people on the hill today than there were yesterday?

Amazingly it seems like the snow is going to continue to fall:

I wouldn't be surprised if the actual amount turns out to be more!

On a different note, I'm getting some dodgy jetlag. It's either that or this head cold that I picked up on the journey out here. The first two nights I was awake at 2am, then 3, then 4, then 5 and then getting up at 7am. This morning was slightly better, I woke first at 3am and then at 5. The difference today was that I couldn't get back to sleep. Maybe I'm too excited? :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey man, I found your site by stumbling around the net - I'm the owner of Snowboard Central (cheap plug, sorry!).

Noticed you've been snowboarding in Canada - whats it like this time of year? I'm so up for going, I've not actually been snowboarding there yet. It's supposed to be incredible - I'm hoping to go later in the year. Your blog is whhhhicked by the way.