Saturday, July 07, 2007

Saturday Afternoon Skate

I went for a skate this afternoon with Grant and James. To be honest I was kinda hoping to get down to Halifax this weekend, but that didn't materialise, so it was skating instead.

I really should have taken some pictures because it was a nice afternoon and I quite like the park as Silksworth (sk8 city) - and there's nothing to be found on the web, picture wise. There is something about the way all of the bowls are put together which could be better, but it's still fun, and there's loads to do.

I was pretty please because I started to stall and grind properly today on the coping. It's something that I've been failing to do for a while now and it felt good getting it right. Hopefully this should open up some more tricks.

I dropped into the largest part of the big bowl, which is apparently 2.4 meters, that felt sweet. I also started to drop in switch a few times; I'm gonna need to be comfortable with both ends of the deck to progress to better tricks, so this is a start.

Grant was starting to get the drop in dialed too. Way back last year I posted this, showing Grant's first attempts. It was cool watching him nail it today. Maybe we will get some skating in this year after-all...

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