Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Les Deux Alpes Summer Park Pictures

Here are some pictures from the summer snowboard park in Les Duex Alpes, taken 2006. They're not the best pictures, in particular they don't always show scale, and they don't show the complete park. They do however give an indication of the size, layout, and makeup of the park. My break-down of beginner, intermediate and pro isn't supposed to be exact, it's just one way of splitting the different hits up. Also, for anyone who hasn't seen it - the pictures also show what summer snow looks like...

Beginner Park Stuff
Here's a picture of the main beginner kicker line, followed by some pictures of a small and a small-medium sized kicker.

Here are some shots of the beginner rail/box area with a drum-jib. To the left there were a few really small table tops. These pictures also show the main t-bar lift that just about services the whole park.

Intermediate Park Stuff
This first picture shows an intermediate kicker line. These were quite nice kickers - shaped better than the beginner kickers. You can also see a down-flat-down rail in the distance.

Showing this photo again (look to the left), there's the intermediate box line consisting of an up-flat-down, a rainbow and flat-curve-up-flat box, a flat-down rail way off to the left and two step-up kickers.

This picture shows a medium-big kicker followed be a slighty smaller kicker. Looking down the park, it was to the left of the advanced/pro kickers. This is the biggest kicker that I've hit to date (just a straight air)...

You can make out some of the intermediate stuff to the right hand side on these two pictures, which were looking up from the chill out area.

Pro Park Stuff
These were the two biggest kickers in the park:

Showing this picture again you can see the two big kickers were followed by two, really wide kickers. One of them was pretty huge. There was also a big 'up-rail'.

Looking up the park, this photo shows the pro-area, with the two big kickers in the middle and a collection of hard rails to the left. The picture doesn't show it clearly, but the rails had big step-ups to get on. There were also two, tall drum jibs, a c-box and the hip in this area. The t-bar in this shot is different to the main park drag.

Halfpipes and Hip
Not great pictures, but here were the two pipes and the hip...

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