Sunday, May 14, 2006

Rider Profiles - Coming Soon

After skating at a couple of different parks I've decided that I'd like to start a new feature on Afterbang - Rider Profiles. A profile would include information about the rider, questions with answers, maybe a podcast, maybe some pictures and most importantly, some video.

Of course I'd like to do this with both snowboarding and skating, but to begin with I'm guessing it is gonna be easier to profile skaters. So I'll start here and see how it pans out: are skaters interested in being featured? Are people interested in seeing the profiles? How will I find people to profile? etc.

Introducing Sam...

As it happens I got talking to a skater on Saturday morning at the R-Kade skatepark in Redcar - Sam. Sam seemed pretty interested so hopefully he'll be the first rider to feature. Here's some introductory footage that I caught, most of which by chance :-)


Gavin Hope said...

Note on the video - I used Windows Movie Maker this time as part of the compression. Adobe Premiere output into Movie Maker.

This one is a much smaller file, around 2.5 MB. I'm still not happy with the production though - I'm sure there's a better way.

Mal said...

What's the music on this one, Gav?

Gavin Hope said...

Dude I thought you would have known this! The song is from Feeder's album "Comfort in Sound".