Friday, February 10, 2006

Friday Night Skate Session

Friday night - Mike and I just had another skate session at the exhibition park. This one was loads better than last night - we pretty much had the park to ourselves. The were a couple of guys on bmxs, and the usual sporadic gatherings of chavs.

We were riding a really small quarter pipe a little. At first I was just riding out of it was as much speed as I dared take. Then I started tyring to ollie out of it a little - with marginal success.

The best fun though was riding in the bowl. We were literally just riding straight up, coming down fakie, hitting the other side fakie and coming back down regular. It's amazing how much balance just doing this takes when you're starting out. It's well scray when you start to hit the coping with your wheels.

The way I look at it this: when I'm riding the bowl on a skateboard, if I come back down the transition with too much weight over the front, I slam. If my weight is too much over the back the board slides out from underneath me, and I slam. Try putting in a kick-turn, an ollie, a rock to fakie or a rock and roll, and it starts to get difficult (relative to beginners).

Now on a snowboard, I've done a small amount of pipe riding. My airs are just starting to go above the coping, but nothing consistent. Now imagine being able to do ramp tricks on a skateboard and then hopping on your snowboard...

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