Tuesday, December 15, 2009

New Goggles: Dragon DXS

So I've got some new goggles, and, contrary to comments in a previous post, I've gone for some Dragons, the DXS...

But here's the thing, when I looked at them I thought they don't look pointy at all. And they're not; they're just the shape that I like. And they're small too.

In fact, the "S" in "DXS" is for small (I think). Although I like smaller goggles, this nearly put me off getting them because everywhere online was making it explicitly clear that they are small. I don't want kids goggles or anything like that! As it happens, the Dragon packaging labels them as "medium/small."

In reality they're fine, a good size in fact, and they fit well with my lid too. They're not quite as comfortable as the Oakley Crowbars, but nothing to complain about. In the end, apart from a sale price, the thing that swung it was the free, low-light lens; something I've wanted in the past.

Here's a question: do any of you guys regularly switch lenses for different light conditions? I've only tried it once in the past, and it was a doomed effort as I had the wrong replacement lens which simply didn't fit! Scissors didn't help. Do lens swaps end up damaging the lens-goggle fit, or the lens themselves?...


David Z said...

I've traditionally had rose-tint lenses, so I never switched lens based on light conditions - if it was sunny, I wore goggles. If it wasn't, I didn't (unless it was really windy).

My new specs are gold chrome, so they may not work as well in flat light or in the evenings. I still have a pair of goggles with rose tint, maybe I'll keep them at hand just in case.

Gavin Hope said...

I have bad memories of trying to ride through deep powder when it was freezing, with no goggles on :)

Anonymous said...

have some Dragon DX goggles with the mirror lens & the orange, I swap them often and the dragon shape means its a 20 second job you can do on the lift if the weather changes