Sunday, February 22, 2009

Skating And Other Stuff...

I went for a skate this morning with Dave, the first of the year. I'm hoping to make Sunday mornings a regular thing. It's nice to get out, plus, if I skated more than a handful of times each year I might progress past the just-beyond-noob sticking point that I'm currently at.

I'm most interested in riding some rails, frontside and backside, because the balance and body position is so similar to a snowboard. I can feel it helping. I'd also normally say something like wanting to get some air on a skateboard, like a spine transfer or something out of the coping, but I always say that, and it's too far off. For now, I'll just leave it as it's fun skating...

It's also an opportunity to practice with my new camera. I'm not intending or trying to be a good photographer or anything like that; I just want to be able to take some half decent shots when snowboarding. You know, like picking good settings on the camera and maybe being a little creative. I'd be happy with that.

To date, since buying the D60, I've been full auto, a point and clicker. Today I played around with the burst mode, shutter-priority and manual focus. Elementary, I'm sure, but you gotta start somewhere, right?

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Feel free to critique :)

Snowboarding? Well, there's a Quiksilver sponsored event on next Friday, 27th, at Cas'. No doubt they'll put out a decent park. A good kicker? Good jibs and rails for sure. I'm tempted to go, but also thinking about planning a week away at the end of March/beginning of April, which would require all available funds...

On that note, the destination could potentially be Mayrhofen; either that or Lenzerheide with snowmotions. We'll see.


Anonymous said...

Hey nice shots, the D60 seems to be working out pretty well for you.

Looks like you and I are one the same level skating. I hate admitting it, but I completely suck on a skateboard. However, it definitely is a great time in the summer when you can't get boarding out of your mind. I picked up a nice Nomis backpack with straps to hold my board, hopefully it will get me out on the street a little more this year.

Anonymous said...

The photos look great so far! They really look nice and crisp.

You might want to think about picking up a fisheye for your Nikon :)

Gavin Hope said...

Thanks guys.

Dan, hope you're getting on the skateboard a little. Maybe this summer I'll step up a notch, who knows :) Like you said, it can be a good distraction if shredding isn't on the cards!

Good opportunity to practice with the camera a little too!