Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Good Quality Shredding

Last Friday's riding was excellent. With the kicker being quite small I pretty much rode the rails all night. At the beginning of the session the box and the straight rail were closed off, so a run consisted of: transco pipe, flat-down, rookie rail and rookie box. However, after an hour or so they opened up, producing an excellent line: transco pipe, flat-down kink, box, 10m rail.

Riding with Martin was fun - it's always good having someone to push you and you can definitely learn from each other. At the beginning of the night I was using the rookie rail to work on that frontside boardslide. I had marginal success, and once we took the rookie rail out of our line, I started to use the transco pipe to practice the front-board instead...

To be honest I'm unsure whether this was a good idea or not. The gas pipe is so much fun but it's kinda tricky. The fact that it's round means you can get away with not committing: if you don't totally go for it you end up sliding a little bit on the side, and then just 'sliding' off.

But to really make it work you need to be confident and get yourself right on top of the pipe, you need your balance sorted and you need to commit.

With my frontside boardslide being work in progress, I had mixed results, including one really nice slam!

I did manage to work the lipslide though (frontside), coming out both regular and switch, and I was pretty pleased with that. I also made some nice progress on the box: going from a backside tailslide into a 5-0 and then a 180 out (if that's the right way to describe it). Feeling confident I tried moving the tailslide to the 10m rail, but that proved quite difficult - cue another slam...

All in all it was excellent; definitely worthy of the last riding of the year. I also took some photos of the park setup, which will follow shortly.

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