Monday, July 03, 2006

Back To Reality

Yesterday morning I woke up in the Alpes. Early on the sun was beaming down, yet I could see snow on the peaks. The familiar buzz of snowboarders, skiers and mountain-bikers making their way around town, most often towards the lifts, was starting to pick up...

This morning I found myself riding to work: through Gateshead, over the Tyne Bridge and into Newcastle. Back to reality...

I couldn't help smiling however as I rode along listening to my boarding playlist - reminding me of the events of the previous week. What a great time I had!

There's much to tell. I will be adding things over the next few weeks so if you're interested in summer snowboarding and/or the Les Deux Alpes resort, keep an eye out. I must say that some of my plans were scuppered by the theft of my camera equipment, but I'll do my best to recover.

In the end I didn't manage to ride for 8 days as planned - only 7. Also, the wealth of halfpipe riding I had hoped for didn't materialise. I talk more about these things and others in the posts to come, hope you all enjoy it!

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