Monday, June 05, 2006

Doing A Season

For many snowboarders, I'm sure, the idea of "doing a season" seems like a really good one; I know that it's something I'd love to do. However, the closest that I've been to the life of a seasonaire is my sister - who spent the 2005/2006 season in Meribel, France.

I figured it may be interesting if I did a pod cast-style talk with Emma about her experience as a 1st time seasonaire; particularly to those thinking about doing a season, but also, hopefully, to anyone who just likes snowboarding :-)

This production is deliberately not polished. I wanted it to appear exacly for what it is: me asking a bunch of questions I scribbled down on a sheet of paper. It's just over 15 minutes, so if you're interested in listening, download the file and enjoy.

Doing a Season (6.6MB)

If people are interested and want to more - I can collect any questions together and make part 2...

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