Saturday, April 22, 2006

Review: Skateboard Blogs

I thought it might be interesting to have a look around for other skateboarding blogs (I'm doing the same for snowboarding too) and note what I found...

Before I start it's worth mentioning that this was merely a 'quick look' using our good friend google: a couple of hours or so surfing around, searching for "skateboard blog" and following links. So by no means is this comprehensive, and it is only my opinion...

1. Daily Skateboarding

I like the look of this blog. It's written by a guy (Dan) in the U.S who really likes skating; simple really. The blog is fairly new but it seems that the content will be skating specific: reviews, views, skating from Dan's perspective and maybe some music. So far he's reviewed the DVS "Skate More" video - which it sounds like is worth checking out...

2. SimpleWood

I'm not sure that I've given this blog enough of a go - but then again maybe you shouldn't have to persevere? I guess it didn't grab my attention and make me want to delve into some of the archives...

The blog's got quite a few people adding to it, which might be part of the problem. Some of the entries appear "blog-style", but others come across more as communication between friends, a bit "forum-style". I'm not saying that this is a bad thing, but the site has a separate forum...

The rest of the site looks pretty cool, especially some of the stuff in the galary.

3. Sublimited

This blog is really interesting. First off, I like the style of the overall site, it's really clean and the navigation is well sorted. I went straight in and checked out the About, which is what grabbed my interest. The Sublimited blog marks the beginnings of a project to set up a chain of skating shops - how cool is that?

I'll be honest, I haven't read too many of the posts; but of the ones that I have read, I like the style and the guy seems passionate about skating and his project. The posts are also frequent. I'll be going back to this one.

4. Too Old To Skate

Damn, too late with this one. Too Old To Skate has stopped now. The last post was made on the 24th Feb earlier this year. It's a shame because after reading a few posts I really liked the theme - and the blog was regularly updated. I browsed back through the archives and stumbled across "mini chavs - a new obstacle in the path of skate commute zen" - which was well funny.

However, when you read Rick's reason for stopping the blog you'll probably agree it's a good one. Check out his new skate site - DFR skate zine...

5. About Skateboarding: Blog

I'm not sure about this one. It didn't feel like I was reading a blog, it was more like reading skateboarding news. To me this blog lacks a personal element, which is more likely to keep me coming back...

However, there's plenty of frequent content and it is all skating. This news-style info may well be appealing to others.

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